Thoughts while Traveling


In an attempt at making a step towards that elusive place called "in shape," I woke up early this morning and ran. Well... ran then jogged then walked and jogged when cars were approaching. Good thing it was 5:10 in the AM and not many cars were about.
Why does the body age? I married a wonderful woman who feels that we have much time left. I and my aching knee feel otherwise. And why my knee? It's such a cliche... "first the knees go..." Load o'crap.
Speaking of my wonderful woman, when I came in from my run/jog/walk, I sort of tried to be quiet- but wasn't sorry when I made noise. I think I just wanted her to be up with me. hehe. Payback can be a canine of the female persuasion.
I worry that we start getting old when we stop growing. I need to work on my growth. I can better myself into not growing old. I'll never have it all figured out. But I won't stop trying.
posted by A. St. at 2:10 PM


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