Thoughts while Traveling



Ok ~ time to get real. I have recently acquired the Message//Remix and I have found it to be an awesome devotional tool. The language is very simple and to the point, and let's face it-- I need that sometimes. Break it down for your ADD infected servant, Lord. Anyways, I read last Friday morning the well known passage~ Luke 11:8-13

"Here's what I am saying:

Ask and you'll get;
Seek and you'll find;
Knock and the door will open.

Don't bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This is not a cat- and -mouse game we're in. If your little boy asks for a serving off fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate? If your little girl asks for an egg, do you trick her with a spider? As Bad as you are, you wouldn't think of such a thing- your'e at least decent to your own children. And don't you think the Father who concieved you in love will give the Holy Spirit when you ask him?"

oK~ So there you are. That not only broke things down for me but commanded me to buck up and ask God boldly and specifically for what I need. I am not very good at that. Lori and I talked the other night about this subject and we are a lot alike in this---we have made our own plans many times before in the past and God has busted right through them with HIS better and perfect plan. Therefore, that has left us where we are...pleading "Whatever, God." And don't get me wrong, that is where we should be, however, where do our NEEDS fit in the picture and where does this passage of scripture fit in as well? I think it's pretty clear. It's a fine line, though, isn't it? Our needs and HIS will. Submission. Acceptance of gifts. Not being afraid to ask for what I need. That's really hard for me. I hate asking for stuff...even if I am commanded to. I consider myself quite self sufficient and independent and I have always tried to be a "provider" to others.While that's not a bad thing, the provision is His to give. Guess that's where God is still teaching me about control, and how it belongs to him. The old saying " God helps those who help themselves" has been my subconscious motto though I have never really admitted that.

There's definitely a balance there, and I think I have been a little heavy on one side of the scale.

Anyways, the time has come in my life to ask, and I am doing it here where others can read it. And if and when you pray, would you mind interceding a bit on my behalf?


I force myself to become vulnerable again as you have called me to be. I confess you again the Lord and Savior of my life.

You are my provider. You are my strength and my shield. You have never failed me in my life thus far, as disobedient and rebellious as I have been. You have brought me through the fire and proven to me your unconditional love, provision, healing, grace, and vision. There is no reason why I shouldn't trust you completely with my life, my heart, my plans, my marriage, and my dreams. And I do. YOu know me down to the hairs on my head. You know my heart, my weaknesses, my fears, and my struggles.
You know my needs. I have been so lazy in my trust and faith in YOU while my spirit and body have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to figure out how to get by and what next step to take.

My needs are these:

I need a way to get myself and my family out of debt. You have not called me to be enslaved by money and debt to man. You want me to be free of this. Make a way, Lord. I will do whatever it takes. Make a way.

You have been inching me forward into yet another season. I have felt the birthing pains of renewal and preperation and you have given me a deep peace that the next step is a GOOD and RIGHT one. I need a job where I can use the creative and administrative gifts you have given me to merge together and make a difference. I am NOT a robot and although this time has taught me many things, you have not called me to be a robot in my work for very much longer. As boldly as I stand here asking, I ask that you will just as boldly and clearly lead me into your best for me. In your timing.

I ask for these things as honestly and boldly as I know how, and believe that you will answer. YOUR will be done. I want to be in a place where you can use me, your servant, in the BEST way---whatver manner you choose.

Continue to strip away the things that keep me tangled up. I have tasted freedom. I want to be completely free.


Thank you for anyone out there that will stand in faith with me on these things.
posted by A. St. at 10:45 AM


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