Thoughts while Traveling


Awaiting the bundle of joy...

I am pleased to report that after an extensive weekend of trying, we are going to be making an addition to our family! And so we await the arrival of one THEOPHILUS GEHRIG STREET!
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"Theo" for short. He's only 4 weeks old now so we have to wait a few more weeks.
I feel like I've just taken 20 years off. 6 years old- yep, that's about the right time for a boy to have a dog... again. Man, he's gonna be HUGE!
posted by A. St. at 5:33 PM


umm that is amazing. cant wait to see him.

and for him to be bigger than me.

8:55 AM  

hey guys, was wondering if you knew that your posts are now in extra extra large text? love the pup

11:30 AM  

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