Thoughts while Traveling


My daily reflection with Brennan Manning had my heart screaming "YES" in agreement, while simultaneously whimpering "forgive me for the times that I fail to be like you, Jesus."

Gilbert Chesterton met the question squarely."Christianity has not been tried and found wanting," he wrote. "It has been found difficult and untried." Mahatma Ghandi once said, I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians." He gave as his reason, " They are so unlike your Christ." Unless and until we have men and women who live by the inner dynamism of the Spirit, human torches aglow with the fire of love for Christ, Christianity will be a musty antique of a medieval past.

Only the Holy Spirit conveys the dynamic character of the moral life and nurtures the willingness to accept initiative. External law had bred a don't get involved attitude. Stressing the mere and minimal fulfillment of precept, it makes Christians cautious about making waves. Just float through life like a majestic iceberg taking no chances. A prominent American churchman remarked recently: " Other people, often not even Christians, are speaking out the sound principles of Christ in the struggle for racial justice more faithfully than we. They are looked upon as fanatics- YET they are doing a very Christian thing- things we should be doing if we see Christ in our fellow man."

What a strange breed of Christianity the law has ushered in! What little resemblance it bears to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

"So that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:6

I have had some conversations, confrontations, and experiences lately that have
really brought me back around to the basics. I am grateful for this, because I believe Jesus stuck to the basics, and I do want to be more like Him.

Much to my shock, (when I take a look at my life and where I "thought" I would be at the ripe old age of almost 27) I work in the corporate world. Sometimes I stick out like a sore thumb and I cause eyes to roll at times. My boss refers to me as "artsy fartsy" one. I do find this amusing- and sometimes I wonder if God is just having fun with me, seeing how far He can stretch me in this unfamiliar land. The more time I have spent in this environment and getting to know the people around me, I am reminded that everywhere is a mission field, and every action, response, attitude, etc. is an opportunity.

So Romans 15:6 applies. All the time.
posted by A. St. at 9:22 AM


Hey Anna, just wanted you to know I've been thinking about you lately. Hope you're doing well.
Your dog is looking REALLY cute

7:24 PM  

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