Thoughts while Traveling


Maybe my sibling is right, Justin is an unfortunate, misguided soul. I got him to marry me, didn't I? Sarah, my dear, don't shed any more light on the subject, O fount of knowledge. I like him that way...

Tylenol PM hangover. Should have just tipped the bottle instead..Could have been an exciting time. Instead my evening kicks and giggles consisted of numbing my mind with the finale of "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance". Hey, there is a thought. Maybe if I was drunk it would have made sense. Wonder if anybody else thinks the ridiculousness of it all turned into a SAD reality? Maybe for the first time EVER , "reality TV" showed the truth? Far fetched, but possible. The truth unveiled is this: Money makes the world go round. There you go, the moral in all it's glory. But wait, let's first coat the entire thing with a thick layer of marshmallow cream and tears and deceive ourselves into thinking we are witnessing a display of a "strong loving family" that can make it through anything. Right.

I would much rather watch a marathon of the Real World for 24 hours straight, and live vicariously through the constant stream of dysfuctional lives that pass through the MTV waves.

I will gladly take honest dysfunction over blurred deception any day or hour.

Mountain Dew only goes so far in the quest for alertness.

To my dearest sister who is thinking that her Christian theology exam score could be a representation of her mediocrity or the illusion of this word, just be assured right now that you are wrong. God has made you an incredibly intelligent and talented woman. I just pray right now, (whether you ever read this or not) that today you will find rest in that truth. hakuna matata, my little perfectionist. It matters not even a tenth of what God wants to show today about Himself.
posted by A. St. at 8:51 AM


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