Thoughts while Traveling


As I stand on the edge of another St. Patrick's Day- I can't help feeling very non-ethnic. I'm not Irish, but it would be nice. It would be nice to be anything. I guess by definition I'm a WASP (white anglo-saxon protestant), but it's too bourgeois. And you can't really get behind that- I mean, we're the greedy bad guys that screwed everything up. What would you do on WASP Day? Celebrate oppression? I'd convert to Judaism, but I'm a happy Christian who loves Jesus. Can you convert to Messianic Judaism? If Sammy Davis Jr. can convert to Judaism, I can convert to Messianic Judaism. Does it work that way? Judaism has all kinds of neat holidays. But I'm not of Jewish decent... not recently anyway. What flag do I have? I'm not Greek, Irish, Scottish, Belgian, French... anything. As far as I know, I came from Puritan Pilgrims and that just doesn't do it for me. I'm not even rich enough to be a real WASP- not that I'd want to be.
I'm going to start a new holiday: Boring Anglo Day! I thnk it will be today. Yes, the eve of St. Patty's will be Boring Anglo Day.

A Happy Boring Anglo Day to you all! May your day be oh-so adequate, and at most- not stressful.
posted by A. St. at 11:01 AM


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