Thoughts while Traveling


God has made people very different. I Cor. 12:12 "The body is a unit, although made up of many parts...."

This is not necessarily a revelation to me; God has brought me this passage on numerous occasions. I've even preached on this passage to 700 young people in Zambia. I am not implying that I am an expert on it at all, it just is a part of scripture I am very familiar with. However, saying that, I have not in my life faced this reality in such a HUMAN capacity. Until now. And what I mean by "human" is inter-personal, emotionally charged relationships being heavily effected and damaged by the fact that we as humans are so different. That is not how God intends the body to work, but, of course, we live in a fallen world...

And how are we different?
"one man's trash is another man's treasure."
Perspectives are totally opposite due to background, family, hardships, passions, convictions, and focus. Not to mention spiritual giftings, which effect greatly how a believer is "wired" and motivated. One person's intense struggle can be another's indifferent attitude.One person's joy can be another's sorrow. One person's compassion can be another person's wrath. One person's scenic drive through life takes lots of EXCITING and dangerous twists and turns, and is viewed by another as reckless irresponsibilty. One person's "step of faith" is another's comfort zone. One person's contentment is another's desert. One persons battle is another's liberation. OK OK I have made my point, right?

I will state again the subject of this blog. God has made us very different. He obviously has a purpose for this. A bigger picture. A well-working machine. 1 Cor. 12. His word says so. Why do we have to break through so much? We are flesh and we are fallible. Jesus is perfect. I just wish his purpose was easier to see sometimes, then we wouldn't have so much of the battle. Evil abounds, as usual, prowling around looking to devour. Sometimes it leaves with a full belly. A full belly of our hideous flesh, and at times even parts of our spirits. Our flesh is one thing, but our spirits should be off limits! That's what the word of the Lord tells us! but we let the Enemy devour and detroy, because we are so weak. WE LET IT HAPPEN.
Lord, God of heaven, help us.

posted by A. St. at 9:11 AM


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