Thoughts while Traveling


I used to make a habit of counting my blessings.

I started counting my blessings last night as I drifted off to sleep. They jumped over the fence just like sheep do.
I am abundantly blessed with deep and meaningful friendships. Alas, God has not left me out to dry after all! Although emotionally I have been surviving in a dry, parched desert for a while ~they have remained there. Not so much in a physical sense (many of them not at all) , but in a connection sense that reaches beyond words and location.In a (heaven forbid) "Spirit of God" kind of way. Supernatural attachment connected by an invisible silver string from one spirit to another. Praise you Jesus, for that. You are beautiful like that.

Becki~ the ever present Becki. So far away in miles and yet so very close in understanding and companionship. Kindred Spirit. Never would have survived the hard times without that connection. Never. Don't know if I ever would have taken the "dangerous" steps in life if it weren't for the seeds planted by her in 1995. Believe that we will be in the same place together one day -somewhere. It has to be.

Caroline~My accountabilty. My "truth meter". My ever honest friend that I trust with my soul on a platter. That doesn't happen very often in life, and I don't take her for granted. To the deep things of life...another kindred spirit.

Sarah L.~ yet another one. She brings "LIFE" to me. When I am talking to her or around her she pumps passion into my veins, without even being aware of it. That's cool. I pray that I can do the same for her.

Esther~ she sees my heart and I see hers. That's just nice. She makes me feel when I don't want to but need to. She's like the fabric softener for my heart...

My sister~ we have survived the earthquakes, tornados, and warm, sunny days that life has issued un-provoked. She's always been present, and yet recently I have begun to deeply appreciate who she is. Better late than never, but still, shame on me. Here's to whatever comes next, sarah-bo. Sarah Elizabeth Jewett-(Clark) heehee

Julie~ an ever evolving entity is our friendship. My friend. She came into my life as a solid rock that would support me when my foundation moved from underneath me. Then this foundation drifted off to sea and out of my life forever...and she stood and held my hand as we watched it go. Then God brought a new thing. A newly renovated "home" for me. She stood by me as I embraced, accepted, and committed myself to a new thing. She has never left, and she is the most loyal friend anyone could ever hope for in life.

I could keep I said I am abundantly blessed. Thank you, Jesus. You have never failed me yet.
posted by A. St. at 8:48 AM


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