Thoughts while Traveling


let's file this under "Some Things Never Change"

A 70something-year-old woman tried to tell me today that the pen I was using belonged to her and she had been using it. Now, this the pen that I brought from home, that I keep in my bookbag, that I take home with me everyday, that I never lend to anyone unless they are just going to use it in front of me- I know this may seem anal, but I'd lose a fortune in writing utensils if I didn't- the pen that I've used everyday for the last two weeks. It's MY PEN. And she was trying to say that she thought it was hers- and she kept repeating it. "I thought that was the one I was using, " "I could've sworn that was the pen I was using," etc. Any time someone repeats that they "thought" something, they are trying to say that they are right and you are wrong or they don't believe you.

This just in: as I was writing this, she came up to the desk to sign out, and I had to let her use the pen to do so... she held it longingly in her hands before using it. BACK UP OFF MY PEN, LADY!

It takes me back to grade school when I used to leave things behind all the time. My mom would get me a really neat eraser or something- I would leave it in homeroom, go to language arts, then come back and some other kid would be playing with it. I would say "Hey, I think that's my eraser- I left it when we went to language arts." and he owuld invariably reply "No, my mom bought me this yesterday."
Oh, I'm so sure that your mom went out and bought you an eraser in the shape of RAMBO that says "justin" on the bazooka. (I told you it was neat).
- effing liar-
Except today it was a 70something-year-old woman trying to convince me out of my pen. Did she think I would just forget that it was mine? Was she trying to pull some Jedi mind trick? She's not a Jedi. And the pen is mine.

Oh yea- and my allergies are killing me. Zyrtec take me
posted by A. St. at 2:18 PM


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