Thoughts while Traveling


Sweet Clarity

" One day, Ordinary took a stroll near the city gates. As he walked, he talked with the friendly Anybody children who followed him.
Then he heard the dream giver say, "What do you see?"
Ordinary stopped. He looked down into the children's faces. "I see beautiful Anybody's in great need," he said.
"Yes, said the Dream Giver. "What else do you see?"
Then Ordinary looked up. He could hardly believe his eyes. Carved on the inside of the gate was the name of his Big Dream!
"Your Big Dream lies here," the Dream Giver said.

Could it be true?

Instantly, he knew it was true. He had arrived!
Then Ordinary understood why he hadn't recognized his Big Dream whe it was right in front of him. The lovely city he had imagined all along wasn't his dream -
but a picture of what his Big Dream would accomplish.

The Big Needs of the Anybodies matched perfectly the Big Dream in his heart. And it was time to DO his Dream.

Ordinary was so excited that he let go with a whoop of joy, much to the delight of the Anybody children."

~ The Dream Giver~ Bruce Wilkinson

Thank you, Jesus. Your name is all I can say today.
Bless His name He sets me FREE!
posted by A. St. at 7:44 AM


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