Thoughts while Traveling


Pet peave of the day:

when people refer to the people who sell houses as "real-A-tors."

"Why" of the day:

There are 219 7 Eleven stores in the Hampton Roads Community.

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Favorite thing of the day:

the Apple Dutch Bagel from Panera...holy cow...literally.

Glad it's Friday. Ready for a long weekend. "Hamlet" opens tonight and I
am looking forward to seeing my husbands sword-fighting Shakespeare debut. "Laertes, Oh, Laertes...wherefore art thou..."

wrong one.

I miss my siblings. How art thou faring down in Denton?
posted by A. St. at 4:24 PM


we're good. in atlanta now. braves/cubs tomorrow night.

still looking forward to the beach a LOT.

9:24 AM  

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