Thoughts while Traveling


fondooplahganza and much much more

When so many things are going on it is hard to sit and write. About anything.

When it rains, it inevitably pours. I am not sure at what juncture in my journey I actually came to this realization, but it has been proven true through the years.

This past week has been a whirlwind of events, some tragic and some glorious.

One catastrophic nightmare, watched in horror from afar.

Another loss, yet quieter and closer to home than New Orleans~ a beautiful soul leaves this life and enters into the loving arms of her Maker. That is the glorious part! Seeing a body ravaged by cancer is the tragic part. It is hard to focus on the victory and ULTIMATE healing when you see a body wasting away and in combat for survival, and finally she gives in and waves the white flag of surrender. It's quite the dichotomy of feelings, isn't it? Rejoicing that the suffering is over, and grieving the personal loss of this beloved soul at the same time. God be with them~ all of them~ comfort them with your presence and peace.

Yesterday, more news of cancer.
Praying that it will be stopped now, hopefully early on.

Again I am reminded how fragile our lives are and that the Enemy is out to destroy.

PSALMS 136 The Message
"Thank God! He deserves your thanks.
His love never quits.
Thank the God of all god's,
His love never quits.
Thank the Lord of all Lord's
His love never quits.
Thank the miracle working God,
His love never quits.
The God whose skill formed the cosmos,
His love never quits...

Thank God who did it all,
His love never quits."

And so I recount the blessings of the week from the God whose love never quits.

My husband gave me a birthday card that was written entirely in French - and although this is his language of choice, I could only decipher about 4 words. He proceeded to read it to me in French and then translated it. This is one of the priceless attributes of the man I am married to. He values MOMENTS and makes sure that they happen. I don't take that for granted.

He also planned a party that ended up being absolutely smashing. We had a "Fondooplahganza" and he succeeded in keeping it a secret from me until a few hours before. It was splendid. My husband knows me well. I couldn't imagine a more enjoyable evening than close friends, fondue, and a good round of my favorite game: Hooplah. That it was, and it was good.

We are blessed with amazing friends.
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todd and lindsey
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ryan and sidonie
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clay and beth (notice the shirt)
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lisa, rhonda ,des, and melinda
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rhonda and lori
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priscilla and adam
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fodue-ing away

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the hooplah hall of fame!
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my love.

And of course, we have the good news that we will be meeting the new addition to our family in three weeks--- see the last post!

SO~ we are blessed. However we know that we are so that we may be a blessing.

In the midst of hard times, it is always good to count blessings. God is still on the throne.

Compelled to intercede...

posted by A. St. at 9:24 AM


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