Thoughts while Traveling


Do you like me? Check yes or no or maybe in the middle...

The last thing I ever want to be is a walking contradiction.

What do I believe, why do I believe it, and do I act like it?

Examples: from the rediculous to the more rediculous- stick with me.
Disclaimer: these are not true stories.

1. Outward proclamation: "I only eat organic, whole foods."

Inner monologue: "Whatever you do, don't look in my freezer, because you just might find the plethora of frozen, processed cuisine in my possession, bought with my money, often frequenting the warm, cozy oasis of my stomach."

2. Outward Proclamation: "I am very politically active and among other things, I vote and stand for the cause of the poor people of this country.

Inner monologue: "I hope that bum walking towards me doesn't say anything to me. He smells." OR, "I would NEVER live in that neigborhood, those people are ghetto."

Given, these are simply random scenarios I am offering at this juncture. However they uncover, at least in me, the contradictions that creep up and out of my own mouth. What are they and how can I more solidify my "yes" and "no"? More importantly, how can my "yes" reach out and love someone, and how can my "no" become a challenge with eternal implications? Or vice versa?

I think we all contradict ourselves from time to time. Perhaps because we simply changed our mind from the first time we declared our thoughts (mind you, this is coming from a chic who changes her bedroom decor with the seasons). Or perhaps we were even proven wrong (dum dum dum) and gained more wisdom from somewhere and humbly changed our stance due to revelation. Praise God for the latter, eh? I love it when that happens. Means we are changing. Hopefully more into the image of our Maker.

So, the good news is we can turn the baby food consistency of contradiction into solid, healthy nourishment. The key ingredient is ... clay.
posted by A. St. at 7:54 PM


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