Thoughts while Traveling



Over the past week, I have had 4 different people approach me and tell me that I am "glowing." One person said they have never seen me looking this content and happy.

No, I am not pregnant, this is not the reason for it. And it's not the puppy, because the amount of poop I have to clean up on a daily basis keeps me from remaining "sparkly" ~ although I love the furball immensely.

I am, however, at peace. The comments do make me wonder what I must have looked like before...but I can't dwell on that, can I? The truth is, the past 5 or so years of life have been chock-full of growing pains and birthing pains that although hurt like hell, haven't killed me. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..." Although incredibly cliche, it is a true statement.

I AM content. I AM free. I AM peaceful. I am in a good place right now. In a job that keeps me on my toes and does not allow complacency. I am surrounded by a diverse group of people that challenge my faith and give me opportunities to share HIM- my all. I am not stuck in one network, but have established relationships with people of polar sides of the spectrum. All of which can teach me so much more..I have always dreamed of this. Now I must be faithful, a good steward of what has been given to me.

I sort of wonder why it is that we all thrive in different atmospheres. I have always felt displaced in a certain type of environment. And on the other hand, I always have thrived in a particular environment as well. I don't know if God has done this on purpose or not, but I feel like I have finally served my time and learned what I needed to learn to be set free in the world where I am to make the most difference. Does that make sense? I am sure that some would disagree with my logic, but my journey can only be traveled by me, can't it? I know that feelings aren't all that matter, but when such an emotionally - charged person like me can finally FEEL what she knows to be true, the sky is the limit. Flying is the only method of travel.

So, apparently I am glowing. What is in my heart in displayed on my face. All I can ask now is that you USE me.

I want to live my life with a spirit of gratitude.
posted by A. St. at 3:15 PM


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