Thoughts while Traveling


So I was reading Captain Stephen Court's blog today. He is quite an aggressive Salvationist that has a lot of challenging thoughts and words for those fighting the Spiritual war through the Salvation Army. I remember hearing him and his wife speak powerfully at "On the Edge" in (I think it was) the fall of 2000. They blessed me with their zeal and obedience. Anyway, He wrote this:

"Which Army is it that signs up slackers, unbelievers, the uncommited, those actually fighting against them, into its own ranks? You cannot be in the British Army unless you are a committed, trained soldier. There is no adherency. Either you are in, or you are out."

He could not be any more accurate in that statement. Everyone who has chosen to be a soldier in the Army and have claimed it's mission cannot deny these words and hopefully decide one way or another. My mom said something the other day that for some reason keeps resonating in my head. I don't even remember exactly what the topic was, but she responded with , "Well, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen."

I have chosen to get out of "the kitchen" , so to speak. I stand convicted because if I am out , I need to quit going in to add stuff. Like the other weekend when my friend Dave was cooking mushrooms and I kept sneaking more garlic salt into the pot, because it suited my taste better. The cooks don't need little hands adding the wrong ingredients to their masterpiece. If that analogy makes sense only to me and my warped mind, then so be it. I needed that revelation, my dear mother. Thank you for the expression.

As for those of you Salvos that are called to the front lines through the medium of the Army, my earnest prayers are with you as you battle for the Kingdom. Wherever I am serving God, I partner with you in your quest in Spirit and in Truth.
posted by A. St. at 12:25 PM


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