Thoughts while Traveling


When you read someone's blog you have remember that what you are reading is not the big picture...the whole story. Most of the time it's a moment, a snapshot into someone's personal space. Possibly into their soul.I like reading people's thoughts. You get to know them a bit better that way. Most of us don't communicate as well as we would like face to face. I know I don't.

I have tended to be one to invade (or try at least) other's personal space. Not because I am necessarily a "nosy" person or a busybody, but because I want to KNOW who that particular person IS...deep down. Now, this practice is not always welcomed, received, or reciprocated... alas, I give it a go and hope for the best. And finding the right way to do it is an art I hope to come a bit closer to perfecting before my time on earth is done. Most people are not open books. I have come to realize this the hard way...and I have also learned that I can't be an "open book" myself all the time and with all people. I think that's sad. It makes me sad to think about. Does anybody know what I mean? Oh, to live in a world where people were who they said they were...

I noticed something yesterday that was a shocking revelation. I was smiling alot. Justin, have you noticed this change? Maybe it happened a while ago...I don't know. But I felt my face in a smile, realized I was doing it alot, and was filled with joy. The REAL JOY. Maybe I have come further than I thought I had...I love you, Justin. You make me smile.
posted by A. St. at 12:45 PM


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