Thoughts while Traveling


Reading Sarah's blog has just drained me emotionally for the day. I am done. That's weird, I know, but I can't help but feel where she is. Wow. What's scary is that I either know all she is ranting about (or have known in the past) and don't even presume to have a response. But that's the great thing about blogs, isn't it? You don't have to respond or wait for one. It's just there. Whatever your world consists of at that moment is just there. I said I didn't have a response. Except maybe one thought. I am older and not much wiser...we all know...and I am considered by our mother the "flaky" one in the family...but looks can be deceiving. More on that later (maybe). Anyways, Sarah, I do know this. As you continue to let go and look forward and grasp your own personal destiny it gets easier to actually MEAN it when you say it doesn't bother you anymore. It's like the tangled trap slowly but surely unravels and you one day wake up one day and feel limber again. Free. I don't know. What do I know? Not much at all. I am free, though. Finally. I love you, Sarah.
posted by A. St. at 2:50 PM


sometimes i wish the unraveling process would be more like ripping off a band-aid than pulling the never-ending line of scarves from a magician's sleeve. but, we don't always have our druthers, so i'll deal.

i want to wake up tomorrow and just be there. but really, i'll wake up tomorrow and i'll be at camp. and then i'll wake up wherever the heck that bus takes me the next day. and then i'll wake spain. and then who knows?

i'm still sleepy. obviously. excuse me as i go check out for awhile....stayed up through dr. phil, which is good enough for me.

11:17 AM  

oh yeah. i love you too :p

11:18 AM  

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