Thoughts while Traveling



So much for the inclimate weather that was supposed to allow me to stay in my warm bed today. Instead, here I am, on this freezing Monday morning in my cubicle again. At least it's warm in here. I had no idea that life next to the beach could get so cold. High is 30 today, and it the wind chill is in the single digits. That would be 1-9. Yikes.

Christmas is almost here. I can't believe it. The year has literally flown by. I suppose one says that more and more as one grows older and's like a perpetually accelerating downhill bike-ride.
We watched the TRAVEL channel for a bit last night. It was a special on the "Wonders of Hawaii." We gazed longingly at pictures of "the road to Hana", and Lahaina Beach, which we were able to experience in Maui on our honeymoon. Wow. God is so creative. Hawaii must be where He takes vacation. A breather. :) I have been convinced that Africa is where God lives, and he plays the cello there.Hawaii is definitely where he digs his massive feet in the sand and drinks a pina colada. And yes, silliness comes very natural to me, in case those of you who don't know me well are wondering and scratching your little heads...

It's that time of morning.

Coffee. Enough of the early morning sleepy musings.


posted by A. St. at 7:45 AM

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