Thoughts while Traveling


Greetings from your friendly neigborhood "Costume Girl"

Wow. What a day. A kickstart for sure. Had my kicks and giggles and my own personal slice of "humble pie" with a cherry on top. Here I am at the start of a new day...caught unaware. Isn't there supposed to be something in between? Perhaps that's why "God created the heaven's and the earth" and there was DARK! To sleep...what a lovely idea. And that it will remain.

Marty, I just want you to know that we miss you very much as well. We haven't been very good at keeping up with each other, have we? I can't remember the last time I saw you. Now that's sad. All of you lovely "family" down there in ATL, I just want you to know that we think of you and we miss you very much. Out of sight does not mean out of mind. You are loved. You are missed. You are lifted up. All of you.

We had the pleasure of being in the company of Lex last Saturday evening. It was really great seeing you, buddy. You made our day. Wish we all could have stayed awake during "The Polar Express" and everything after. Good times.

And I am off for my first cup of coffee for the day. Adios.

posted by A. St. at 7:37 AM


hey. costume girl. i need you.

can you bring me a latte?

6:58 PM  

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