Thoughts while Traveling



So, George Foreman (I don't know if his name has an 'e' or not) spoke in chapel today. These are my musings after such an encounter:

1. He is a very large man.

2. I wanted to ask him if he could hook me up with a grill for my husband's Christmas present, but at the last minute...I found the surroundings inappropriate?

3. I had no idea. I had no idea that he was even a Christian, much less have a story like that. Wow. What a powerful testimony.

4. Never knew I would be so blessed after meeting a heavyweight boxing champion...

5. I am glad I made myself leave what I affectionately call "my little cubicle of DOOM" to go to chapel today.

posted by A. St. at 2:55 PM


i'm impressed.

and you should do something about that cubicle of doom. a little holly and christmas lights, perhaps?

no? pat says no? a fire hazard?

be a rebel.

10:43 PM  

Justin....Miss you. Thanks for the post. Saved had a lot of good things in it...I even should the part where Mandy Moore's character tries to perform an exorcist on Mary as part of my devotional on "I'm a Christian and I suck". It worked!
Hope life is treating you well. Keep in touch(and not in the cheezy yearbook kinda way, but in an actual way.) Peace you guys!

1:49 PM  

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