Thoughts while Traveling



Happy April!


My old friend Clay is moving to Norfolk! I can't wait for the good times to roll again!

Dad pulled a mad April fools joke on me...and another one on mom, I think something is happening in his old age...and I love it!

I, in turn, got Justin pretty good as well. It's not easy to pull a fast one on him, I tell ya. I think he turned a very light green for a second.

It's hard to believe that I have 4 weeks left until my first year of grad school is finished. Crazy.Insane.

Spring is in the air. I love spring. The weather is holding on to winter with a tight grip, but the birds are chirping, and that in itself puts a little pep in my step. I can't wait to plant some flowers.
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Justin and I were remembering (not commiserating) this morning back to the beginning of our marriage and were brought once again to the realization that God had done a miraculous work in both of us and has blessed us so very much. It's only been (almost) 2 years, but all that has It's all about faith and obedience, even when those steps seem scary as hell. And there were those moments, and some of them were long moments. It's the pruning process. It's beautiful when you can sit back and appreciate the hard times and at the same time looking forward with exciting anticipation. Thank you, Jesus.

I am still learning (with a vengeance) that "to whom much is given. much is required." Walking in the Spirit through everything.

Time management is not up to me. It's about surrendering my time to the Lord and allowing Him to accomplish in a day what He will. When I try to follow MY T0-DO-LIST, I miss out in a big way.

It's about relationships. Everything else will get done. When I am not in control.
posted by A. St. at 6:47 PM


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