Thoughts while Traveling


testosteroni ~ a frightful type of pasta?

Good weekend. Happy Memorial Day to everyone. Good to see all our friends from the good ole days in Denton, and although I wouldn't say we were able to spend "quality time" with you all, it was still great to see your faces and get to hug you.

It was just good for my soul to be..THERE. That place that holds so many memories. A lot of those memories have been painful on my former visits, and yet this time was so peaceful and serene. I was able to remember and smile. Recall and allow the moments to wash over me like a light blanket of lavender, with a sweet aroma that comforts and allows hope to spark. I walked Harvey around camp for about 2 hours on Saturday morning, and had many memories come flooding back to me. I laughed when I walked back behind the conservatory cabins to the lake and remembered vividly when he dropped me on my head and I had to go the hospital because a bobby pin of all things became lodged in my scalp for a brief second. A few tears fell when walking by the cross next to the lake, remembering our last night of camp that year, when we shared God word together with our "kids" and gave them the river rocks.

I could go on and on...Reminiscing every bench, paddle boat, and gazebo...but those sweet memories are all available still, and they are mine. It really is quite significant~ the change in my reaction to this place. Because God has done quite a remodeling in my heart and has turned so many ashes to beauty.

He gives beauty for ashes
Strength for fear
Gladness for mourning
Peace for despair

HE does that. And I am forever changed. Not a "new life" which I had been dillusioned into thinking I needed or even wanted, but a restoration, rebirth, and a continuation of the one that has been given to me. A new kind of thread in the quilt, one with a vibrant new color and a texture I never thought existed. And my face is once again on the floor, in awe and stunned at His artistry.

"Jesus, O, Jesus is all I can say..."

And here we are, back home. I have never felt more at home in my life than I do here in our tiny overpriced yet cozy apartment in Norfolk, Virginia. With my husband, a good man that I don't deserve, but accept humbly as a magnificent gift from my Father. Justin is a good man. He stands for what is right and embraces life with a tight grip and a giggle that is more contagious than the flu. I love that. My cup runneth over. I am so proud of him and how far he has come, and I sit on pins and needles in anticipation to see God's plan worked out in his life. Sounds so mushy, but I can't help it. I was walking along the dirt road this morning hand in hand with the two men in my life that keep me going and remind me constantly how awesome God is. Booth~ I am so proud of you I can hardly stand it. You are becoming such a strong man of God. You are not only wise beyond your years, but you are anointed. Anointed to bless so many people in the name of Jesus. I have always known that, and yet as I see you get older (and fatter) I am still amazed to see it all unfold. Never stop singing your heart out and stepping out to be the leader that you are meant to be. wow. I know that kind of sounds like a yearbook greeting, but I had to say it.

Justin is mumbling in his sleep at the moment. Unintelligible. Wish I knew what was happening---or perhaps it's better we don't. Probably one of his super hero dreams I will hear in detail later. That's my husband, folks...:)

I found out tonight I have been cast in a film that will be aired on the Inspiration Network. I will be the "hotel clerk." I am stoked! It was my first film audition ever, and it was a lot of fun. I am excited to give it a go and try film out. Quite different from "larger than life" musical theatre, that's for sure. I really am excited about that. Still waiting to hear back from the Virginia Opera about the upcoming season...just the thought of being back on stage in the opera world makes my heart skip a beat. I miss singing. My soul is released when I sing, and it has been too long...

Enough random blogging for now. Time to interrupt the super hero from his adventures to claim my side of the bed.


oh yeah, about the blog title----it's best to just chalk it up to "one of David Dawe's "special" moments and move on.
posted by A. St. at 11:49 PM


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