Thoughts while Traveling



What a whirlwind.The show is over, classes are over. I get straight A's once again...and again I am flabergasted that I was able to pull it off. I hope to begin sleeping regularly again, and again I will most likely fail at that attempt.

My plans for the summer of freedom and relaxation:

1. take a painting class down the street
2. excercise every morning
3. Get back on my diet
4. Plant flowers, lots of pretty flowers
5. Lay on the beach and read....alot
6. Sit in my hammock and watch the kids play
7. Go deep sea fishing~ at least once
8. Hang out with Clay~ who just moved in across the street! What a small world.

Justin landed two paid shows this summer...which is awesome. He will be playing Laertes in "Hamlet" and Lefeau in "Beauty in the Beast." Good stuff. Like I said, I will be on the beach...

To all of you lovely people that came to see our most recent show (mom, dad, booth, sarah, mother teresa, gerald, katie, caroline, dusty, joy, and marty) Thanks for coming and it was SO fabulous to spend a bit of time with you. We love you all and it really meant alot to us that you came. really. xoxoxox.

Looking for a new job, leaving a lot in God's hands. Sometimes He leads us through a windy road...still ending up where He wants us. I wonder a lot, about how He will provide, what doors are open and which are closed, how I will remain (or rather become) sane. And yet I still feel as though I am in the eye of the storm, where it is peaceful. Like I am exactly where I am supposed to be..even with all the garbage. That's cool. If I didn't have hope, I would probably be "pushing up daisies" by this day on this year in time. And yet what has always remained is that God is good.

Tommorow is our two year anniversary. How the heck did that happen? Almost one year ago is the mark when we took the scariest step (besides getting married) we ever have taken, involving alot of faith. Moving into the unknown. And what became of that mustard seed is a beautiful thing. Peace. Joy. Contentment. Challenge. It's amazing when we simply ...obey.
posted by A. St. at 5:15 PM


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