Thoughts while Traveling


quick mid- afternoon thoughts

I love that "neighbor Chad" upstairs is the Director of Communications at VSC and running into him at opening night of Hamlet (None of us have seen Justin like this before--I am so proud) is proving itself to be a door worth venturing into. I have been waiting for the right one...time will tell. Actually, next Tuesday will tell. Love it. Probably almost as much as he loved me telling everyone he works with that he walks his dog in his bathrobe. He now refers to me as the "neighborhood watch." Not for long...he will have to take over my post when we move in a few weeks.

Hanging out on the roof and watching the fireworks with our new friends was great fun.Besides the fact that we had to venture into the condemned 6th floor to get there-- there were actually bathrooms up there that said "colored." Whoa.

I love Norfolk, Virginia. It is home now, this place. At least for a while.
posted by A. St. at 2:17 PM


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