Thoughts while Traveling



Last night we had an eventful evening at what we now affectionately call the "Furnebogen" household. Backstory ~ We are in the midst of having some of the wood flooring replaced and Dan was there 12 hours yesterday working in Nicole's room. Around 9:00 last night, after eating dinner and having a nice chat in the kitchen, we became aware that the bedroom door was left open.

**begin the soundtrack of Nicole's panic attack**

Marlow, the furry and daredevil of a roommate had decided to explore underneath the house. We spent the next hour trying to lure him out of the pit and back into the arms of Niiki. I should have taken a picture of the scene~ it was quite comical although we couldn't laugh, of course.

Justin hanging over the large hole with a scoop of cat food and talking in funny voices and Dan hanging over the other side with a flashlight, letting us know all signs of movement. Nicole is speaking in her "special" language in between quiet sobs and I am trying my best to keep her calm and talk her out of calling the fire department.

This is why we are getting a dog. They come when called.

More evidence that the house is the kingdom of the cats and we are merely frequent visitors.

I must say, however, that my tolerance level for these particular animals has increased considerably. Getting used to the little rugrats.
posted by A. St. at 9:45 AM


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