Thoughts while Traveling


Part of my problem is that I cannot stand it when other people are hurting. It affects me so much I can't get menial tasks done. Jesus, help me to be more like you instead of....whatever you call this mess I am. Give me more of wisdom to know what to do with the burden when it so heavily rests on my heart.

I want to take away the pain. I want to do something so that these people that I care for so deeply can breathe for a second and know that God hasn't gone anywhere. I want to ease the pain in some way, just for an instant.

Much in the same attitude of my sister's post today---I must refrain and hold myself back from letting loose all of the emotions in this blog. They are too precious to broadcast and way too fragile to lay out in the middle of the road to be run over.

Moving on.

We have a roommate now. It's time and it must be God, judging from the unlikeliness of it all. I have already gained so much from the experience---not to mention the uncontrollable laughing Nikki and I have been doing lately. She was literally doing yoga on our front porch yesterday. And then she slept- walked yesterday morning and had an entire conversation with me. I thought she was completely stoned until it dawned on me that she was dead asleep. Making memories...

If anyone has any creative ideas of getting rid of fleas in a house with all hardwood floors, they would be coveted. Trying everything....

adios for now.
posted by A. St. at 4:45 PM


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