Thoughts while Traveling


OK- so I went to this new coffee shop/ restaurant called Rapture that has been heavily advertised as a cool little place ---and that this couple felt the Lord's calling to use all of their life savings to open up this get the point. I am a fan of obedience--so I thought I would check it out. I won't mention that I totally got stood up by the person who was supposed to meet me there...flaky flaky flaky. Anyways, I had the holy guacamole wrap, which was quite good.

The point of recollecting this experience I seem to be putting off....but I can't get it out of my mind. I walked in to the pleasant owner greeting me at the door and worship music playing loudly. I was instructed to have a seat wherever I liked. Ok. I then ordered a drink and sat there for a while making lists of things I need to get done at the house, and I overhear a conversation between the owner and the ONE other customer that was a table behind me. The subject of the conversation was why his wife and daughter weren't there. I wish I hadn't heard it. He trashed his family to this woman and slandered his wife horribly. The one who stepped out in faith with him to start this business. It went on for a while until I had to excuse myself to the restroom. I shouldn't have been listening to that (not that I had much of a choice)...but more know what I am thinking.


And all to the soundtrack of "Here I am to worship."

Topics unearthed here: the sanctity of marriage, the schemes of the Enemy, vows broken, ministry melting....

posted by A. St. at 4:32 PM


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