Thoughts while Traveling


Why does it feel so much like a Friday? And furthermore, why am I to the point of wanting to scratch my eyes out due to the "ready-for-vacation" syndrome? It has been 2 years since our last real vacation (more than 2 days) and we are so ready. To the beach we go in a few days. Not the one around the corner, but to one far enough away so that we can't be contacted. Splendid.

Can't wait. I have a list of four books that I am planning on reading in the hammock that I know Sarah and I will have to arm wrestle over. For the rest of the time I plan on sleeping good and hard, browning like a turkey, and walking along the beach while breathing in and out. A little seafood here and there will be the icing on the cake. However, the most anticipated event for me is a lengthy heart to heart with my one and only brother- I always feel a chunk of my heart is on loan when we go this long without a check-up.

JT is in town and I wanted so badly to see him in concert ~ but we had to back out on Dusty and Caroline due to vacation conflict. That's sad. There is a guy in my office that claims to never have heard of James Taylor. Now Jerrod, I know you are a country boy from West Texas that grew up watching the 700 Club over your oatmeal, but ...QUE??????

I even sang him random portions of the top twenty JT hits---and no dice. What a shame.

Going to hit my kitchen hard again this evening. Packing is no fun, and I am over it. I will be so glad to be in the house ~ unpacking is always much more enjoyable to me. Decorating is absolute heaven on earth. Can't think of anything more fun. My dad always jokes about playing golf and fishing in heaven, drinking Vernor's and eating PB and J's. I think I will have unlimited spaces to decorate.

My eye is twitching. I hate that. Staring at a blasted computer screen for too long. That mixed with my developing carpel tunel reminds me of where I have been for a while: in search of new employment. Believing but encouraged...

posted by A. St. at 4:02 PM


i'm bringing my own can thank jeff for that one.

2:06 AM  

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