Thoughts while Traveling


thinking ~

time is moving forward...just in very slow motion. Need a break from transcripts and deferrals.

Speaking of moving forward~ gas prices are anticipated to get up $3.00 a gallon NEXT WEEK.
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We were discussing carpooling last night. Not the most convenient choice, but by far the wisest one.

Tonight is the baby shower. I found some chicken fingers in the shape of dinosaurs that I am excited about. It's the little things sometimes. I know Dusty will like them and that's what matters.

You know, understanding a person and where they came from is more than half the battle. I have been slowly coming to a much greater understanding of a good friend. She said to me,

"When I was a little girl, my dad got down on his knees, looked me in the eyes over and over and told me that NOTHING is free. He has continued telling me this into my 30's."

It was then that I realized why... how difficult it was for her to understand and receive GRACE! She knows nothing of it. I find that conversation playing in my head on constant repeat... over and over... and begging God to show her his grace in a way she can see it, know it, and embrace it.

Reminds me of the chapter I just read in Blue Like Jazz.

"We dream of Christ's love for His bride reading like Romeo and Juliet; two equals enflamed in liberal love. I think it is more like Lucentio's pursuit of Bianca in The Taming of The Shrew. That is, the groom endearing the belligerant bride with kindness, patience, and love.

Our "behavior" will not be changed long with self-discipline, but fall in love and a human will accomplish what he never thought possible. The laziest of men will swim the English channel to win his woman. I think what Rick said is worth repeating that by accepting God's love for us, we fall in love with Him, and only then do we have the fuel to obey.

In exchange for our humility and willingness to accept the charity of God, we are given a kingdom. And a beggar's kingdom is better than a proud man's delusion."
posted by A. St. at 2:26 PM


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