Thoughts while Traveling



It's funny how we see ourselves so differently than others see us, isn't it?

I just came back to my desk after a brief encounter with a friend. She, like me, tends to wear
her emotions transparently on her face, so it was easy to discern her reaction. Anyways, I asked her if anyone had ever told her that she reminded them of someone (a mutual acquaintance).Her face reflected this.

1. sheer horror
2. panic
3. sadness, like I had just shot her puppy

I obviously couldn't take back my comment, so I of course quickly confessed to her that my intention was for that to be a compliment, because I admire this person very much and she is literally one of my favorite people. She really is- this is why I was so shocked by her reaction.

A similar situation happened to me yesterday. A film director approached me and asked me to audition for her project coming up, because I can play a woman in her thirties. Now, I could have taken that as an opportunity to get some acting work and count it as a blessing, however did I?
Nope. I cried on the way home due to the distress of looking four years older than I actually am.

There you go. May we all learn to see ourselves a little more clearly through the eyes of our Maker. I venture to say that we would appear QUITE differently.

Adios. Thank God it's Friday.
Image hosted by ~anna st~
posted by A. St. at 3:49 PM


Hey Anna - just went out to have some ice cream with Kelly, Jason, Joy, Marty and Bernie. It was fun. We were thinking of you and Justin.

I've been thinking a lot about perception lately. And I am happy to say that I am learning how to be me and just trust that God made me who I am for a reason - if I hold out from being me, I miss out and so does everyone else.

12:47 AM  

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