Thoughts while Traveling


Well, seems we are getting a tiny taste of Wilma up here, I am sure not even close to what people in Florida are experiencing. All these hurricanes....Justin wants "comfort food" for dinner, whatever the heck that means. I suppose that means hot , fattening cuisine that sticks to your bones...? Poor guy's been out in the cold wet rain all day. That's the least he deserves. Nothing screams pasta or chili or soup like a cold rainy day. Just thinking through my options.

It's been nice these past few weeks, us being home together every night. I know it's not going to last forever, but I am savoring it while I can.

There is a glimmer of a chance that I may have the priviledge of witnessing the miracle of child-birth in the coming days. My thoughts (and my stomach) jumped back and forth all day from excitement to nausea. How awesome would that be? Hope I can handle it if I do in fact, get the opportunity.

Theo is barking at me and the Dell, and I am ignoring the piercing noise. Seems to be the only method that works. Can't say I won't be a tiny bit happy about the puppy growing out of him.
Every post lately has included Theo, hasn't it? Oh, well...he's a Street now, I must include him and his daily escapades.

Intercession calls me today. Lori, Rhonda, Otis, Street family, Booth. Mockabees. Rosita. All dealing with loss of some kind. You are their comfort and their help. You are their refuge. Draw them close. Let your love surround them.
posted by A. St. at 5:50 PM


Hey Theo, they really like it when they leave the house and you poop all over the floor, step in it, then try to jump on the bed! You know the one with the white bedspread! Try it, it's a rush.

4:51 PM  

I saw your name on Phil Laegers web site and checked out your site. You look beautiful!!!!!!!!!! How are you? I saw Sarah on Saturday and your Mom and Dad last week....and have been thinking about you and wondering how you are....I am on Xanga...CaptainSue is my Xanga site and is my email. I would love to catch up.

5:05 PM  

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