Thoughts while Traveling



So I learned how to play bridge on Sunday. Because Thelma plays bridge. I like Thelma. And I think I like bridge. I knew I was a closet "old lady."

She is a lot like me, I think. This 50+ character that unexpectedly eased herself into my life. Well, not like me as I am, but me as I could be if I allowed life to live me, rather than me live my life. And I don't want to be playing bridge one day with a bunch of other old ladies and realize that there is more to my life. That I should seize the day. That I should love. And be loved.

I don't want to be transformed THEN , at that age, from hard to softer. I want to be soft now. I want to love now. I want to be loved now.

Thing is, I am loved. How often do I not accept it, though? Too often. There is so much talk about loving, but how can we really love if we don't accept love?

I am excited about knowing Thelma more deeply. Thank you, Shirley, for writing her into your story. I think this is one of those opportunities in life that I have been given for the sole purpose of growing more and more out of the mold I have shaped for myself. The one that needs to be broken. I need to learn from Thelma, therefore providence stepped in and collided us together. Splendid.

I don't believe anymore that "everything happens for a reason." In fact, I think that's a bit of bullshit somebody came up with along the way, making us feel better in whatever circumstance we may find ourselves in at the given moment. I do, however, believe the promise that "all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose." Big difference in my opinion between the former and the latter.

The rubber must meet the road in my life. The time is now, and the day is mine to seize. No more ashes. Much like when I was a child holding a dandelion, I am making a wish--NO-- a declaration. And with a deep breathe and release I will watch those ashes drift away with the breeze. Adios.
posted by A. St. at 7:36 PM


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9:34 PM  

playing around with your blog design, heh? :) miss you guys...

9:35 PM  

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