Thoughts while Traveling


burning question

Why is that certain people have to deal with the same hardships over and over and over?
I can't help but assume that, like Paul...she suffers with a "thorn in her flesh." Paul's thorn kept him "on his toes" so to speak spiritually as I understand it, and my friend experiences the keeps her broken. I get that. We all have those things in our life that are irreplaceable and yet "ours", but perhaps carry pain with them. I cart along with me certain thorns, that's for sure. Reminders of the journey and the amazing power of God that dug me out of the mud. Things that can be painful, but simultaneously humbling & motivating. The pricking when we shift from one position to another always brings with a sting, that's true. It's a welcomed sting, though...residue of the human condition.

It's still hard to watch someone you love suffer so frequently, you know? I want her to be delivered from it and healed for good. God can do this, of course...but let's be honest... Sometimes he chooses not to for reasons we cannot comprehend. Still believing that she will be whole.. just thinking out loud this morning my burning question. Emily Dickinson once stated, "Dwell in possibility." That serves as a reminder of faith to me, whether or not it was intended as such.

Dwelling is different than groveling.

"Those who dwell in the shelter of the Lord will find safety within his wing..." Psalm 91.

to my today.
posted by A. St. at 9:08 AM


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