Thoughts while Traveling


windows of the soul

A person, in a real sense, is what he or she sees. And seeing depends on our eyes. Jesus uses the metaphor of the eyes more often than that of the minds or wills. The old proverb, "The eyes are the windows of the soul," contains a profound truth. our eyes reveal whether our souls are spacious or cramped, hospitable or critical, compassionate or judgemental. The way we see other people is usually the way we see ourselves. If we have made peace with our flawed humanity and have embraced our ragamuffin identity, we are able to tolerate in others what was previously unacceptable in ourselves.

"I am sending you to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me." Acts 26:17-18

~ reflections for ragamuffins- brennan manning

This is so true, and has been proven over and over again in my own life. I can look back and see that what my eyes see and perceive has changed over the years, and the battle against being critical, judgemental, and "cramped" has become less grueling the closer I have come to my Father, and yet the battle is by no means over. It's a daily surrender, and a CHOICE to take the fleshy filter off my eyeballs, so that I may see what my creator sees, in others, and also in myself.
The thought of being free of all this is a hope almost beyond my comprehension...but if we were free of the battle, we wouldn't really have to make the daily CHOICE, would we? And thus our will to love and be loved would diminish over time, I am afraid. We wouldn't want to fight to make the choice anymore.
He is a clever and wise one, our Father. He wants us to fight to get closer to him- I think that's what " take up your cross and follow me" is all about. Of course, HE and his love and grace are free for the taking, but we have to battle through all of the obstacles that stand between us to get to Him. I like that. That means I am not just "free loading", so to speak.

Thoughts and convictions...and reminders in an early morning. Thanks, Brennan. I am, in fact, the most ragged a ragamuffin.

anna st.
posted by A. St. at 8:00 AM


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