Thoughts while Traveling


Read this excerpt from another blog today:

"For those of us who have forgotten who we are - who have forgotten how fearfully and wonderfully we are made, and have recast themselves in their own image - in our image, the broken mirror of our humanity - remember who He is. I count myself among these people. Too many times I have allowed the broken, imperfect, fallen nature of my humanity keep me from the sort of full life I could be living. This transcends religion. It is nothing more than a faith issue. Beyond the trappings of our different churches - Salvation Army, Baptists, non-denom, Lutheran, etc. - is a call to admit our humanity, not to deny it, and to work with it, not against it. The moment we allow it to win, we are defeated. The moment we ignore and forget it, we are also defeated."

Thank you Ben, I read your thoughts and my heart screamed "YES!!!" I needed to read them. Now I know why your musings are important. :) Well, they were imprtant to me today, a weak soul waethered by the storm. Although we have only met once, you made my day by your challenge and reminder. God bless you today...

posted by A. St. at 3:23 PM


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