Thoughts while Traveling


Every once in awhile, I decide to write in cursive- today was such a day. I jotted down little phrases and thoughts... just whatever pops in my head. Here are today's musings:

quite oft, to no one in particular

radio-activity is the new black

this I know... tomatoes have no souls

Mr. Peabody told no one of his larynx

if no one ever cut their hair, or shaved, or waxed- then where would we be?

maybe herbivores are only such because no one has offered them steak

play mature if you'd like- but farts are funny

abuse the hamburger til it screams

celebrate asparagus like there is no tomorrow... cause there ain't... not for the asparagus

there is only one letter difference between public and pubic
posted by A. St. at 11:38 AM


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