Thoughts while Traveling


Now it is is a rainy Tuesday morning. Serious Dejavu. Why do I always comment on the weather? Has more power over our well-being than we think it does. Harvey is lonely. This week of dog-sitting has proven once again how far away I am to being "ready" to reproduce. I can hardly keep that dog fed, much less emotionally stable. Yikes. Justin, honey, will you go play with him today?

Today I have to tell my boss that I am moving and May 26 will be my last day here. I see a light at the end of the tunnel, and even though it is unknown what I am to find on the other side, the light itself is a comfort. I am excited about the possibilities ahead. I am a bit apprehensive that my husband may be moving into a dangerous job. That kind of goes without saying. Protection. That soon will be my prayer each morning for my love.

I hate cell phones. This is not a new development in my list of not-favorite things, but it remains up there near the top. Why? Yes, they are convenient at times. I myself have found that to be very true, and in those moments I am grateful for this technological phenomenon (to me anyways). However, what happens more than those moments of desperation when contact is necessary, I find them to be one of the ultimate distractions in society today. That is a strong statement, I know. And I promise I am not just hating on them for the sake of hating. It really bothers me. Really. You can't have a conversation with someone these days without some annoying little show tune beckoning the subject to stop, drop, and roll. And more than not, that's exactly what we do, inevitably forsaking the task or person at hand. I must say, the one redeeming value to those little pesky pieces of plastic and God-knows-what-else is the fact that they can be TURNED OFF. I use that convenience quite often. Wish more people would. And Justin and I do have one, ONE. It is our only phone, because it's cheaper and free long distant.That doesn't stop me from feeling hatred for them every now and then. The things that seemingly make our lives "easier" our lives really need to be "easier"? Maybe we need to actually drive,walk, or hitch a ride to see someone we love. Like the old days. I should have been born a century ago. This life is harder to me, it seems, for the diminishing number of face to face heart to hearts. It's easier to just punch a button and take somebody elses moment away with a high pitched stupid song. So there. On that note (no pun intended), I am going to read my Bible and pray. Sour thoughts can sneak in and steal if you let them. Time for a watering of my soul. Later.
posted by A. St. at 9:12 AM


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