Thoughts while Traveling


It is another rainy Monday morning. I wish God would hold off the rain on Mondays, it's hard enough to get out of bed without the sound of rain pounding on the window, making it all the more difficult to move my toes,much less the rest of my weary body. But alas, here I am at work, trying to make the best of it. Seeing as I am what Major Allison likes to call the "first impression director" here at the office, I am attempting to bring at least a crack of a smile to the other weary traveller's coming off the long weekend back to the pushing of papers.

Church yesterday was invigorating for me. Being with other believers, lifting our hearts and hands and voices to exalt our King is awesome. What a blessing. Hanging out with my "little" sister was nice. (That wasn't a fat joke sarah-bo, it's just harder and harder to think of you as old almost graduate...)
I missed my husband this weekend, though. I have grown so accustomed to not only his face (it's a song...from a musical,of course), but simply his constant presence by my side. My partner. My best friend. Those words are used kinda lightly, but he really is those things. I am blessed. I am glad you are home, my love.

One month and fifteen days. Change. Direction. Faith. Trust. Growth. Help!!
I think I have found a graduate program that will really suit me. Educational Theater and Theater Ministry at Regent University. It just jumped out at me from the screen and grabbed me. I believe I am going to go for it. Just the thought of more college debt quite frankly makes me hyperventilate. Debt in general has the potential to turn me into a monster, for in it lies debilitating fear for me. However, as God keeps reminding me...

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows;he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name." Psalm 23 (NLT)

"He guides me along RIGHT paths... " is this the right path? My spirit tells me it is. Lord, let me rest in this and cast all fear aside.

"...bringing HONOR to His name." You know I long to honor you,Lord. I am unworthy to be your servant, I know. Use me as you have others before me,in whatever you will.

"The Lord is my light and my Salvation -so why should I be afraid? The Lord protects me from danger,so why should I tremble?' Psalm 27

I am done trembling. the Enemy has kept me in bondage and trembling for too long. Off with your head, spirit of fear!

The fax machine beckons and the telephone is relentless. I must leave my thoughts here with , oh great blogger. Until later.

posted by A. St. at 8:53 AM


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