Thoughts while Traveling


Ok, so my internet at work is gone. (sniffle)...that is where I had time and access to my friend Blogger and was able to somewhat articulate my thoughts. Now, I am afraid, they will be few and far between. Maybe I will still find a way...

So Sara Groves has a new album out, "The other side of Something." Yet another collection of beautifully written lyrics and fabulous melodies. Her music has really touched the deepest and most personal parts of me, and I think that's cool.God connects spirits even though their physical paths may never cross. There was a bonus CD included which had an interview with her on it. When asked about what the "something" is, she went on to describe an aspect of her personal spiritual journey. She talked about growing up in a church which centered around a Holiness background and emphasis. She struggled so much with her lack of holiness that it threw her into a more grace focused worship environment, where she learned and finally came to believe that God WILL love her no matter what her sins. THEN she became obsessed with her sinful nature and her humanness that she realized there has to be a balance.

A lightbulb of recognition came on in my heart when I heard that. Yes. Wait. That's MY journey! Now, I admit I am just now and recently grasping the last part of her
revelation. When I began to grasp that my God is really and truly a GRACEFUL God, it was the most liberating and freeing experience of my life. I had been living my whole life trying to "live up" to what He called me to, or even what the Godly people around me expected from me. There soon became a incredible lack of freedom and I was suffocating.

God is faithful. He provided an avenue for me to find His grace. Thank you, Lord. I praise you for your provosion over my life.

I confess that I may have gone a bit overboard in excercising this new found freedom. God, take me a little higher.Deeper. Reign my rebellious spirit in to you...

Thanks, Sara...for bringing clarity...

posted by A. St. at 12:42 PM


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