Thoughts while Traveling


When you spend the majority of your time with another human for over a year, it's hard to revert back to the old life; to navigate independently as you once were able to. I used to pride myself on my independence, and yet now I realize that I have given that up..surrendered to a mutual dependence. That statement could hold a negative vibe for some, and honestly, it did for me for a while. And yet, here I sit with the truth...and I appreciate, even enjoy this much better. I found myself conversing with you often in my head, because I am so accustomed to our dialogue. Even tonight, you were in my head, offering your two-cents here and there. At Krispy Kreme (the fat dude with dozen hot ones shoveling away), deciding on the movie (no need to mention what would have been said...),picking out candy at the candy store(chocolate covered macadamia nuts or sour patch kids?),ets, etc...It's those little moments that I cherished tonight, in your absence. I don't even think I want to know what you were up to in New Jersey with those nuts you are with, but I hope you are having a good time. I just miss your presence beside me, me lover(have to read that with an Irish accent).

I know I said in my last blog that I would tell of the pee incident. Sadly, however, it has lost it's sparkle. It is not as amusing a story as it once was, so I think I will forego the unforunate yet admirable tale. I must say, though, that I am proud of my ability to urinate in a cup and not miss. I hope that is not too crass a thing to say...what am I talking about, my mother will never (hoefully) read this. I can hear the gasp even now. Anyways, I was pleased with my abilty to do so. It was one for the memory books, that's for sure.

I had much quiet time today. When does that happen? Today it did. Loved it. Twas a great thing.I can't believe we live here, in a new state. The craziness of it all makes perfect sense. Goes to show...something? Must be meant to be? I am looking forward to the story unfolding before us.

I believe I am getting sleepy. Perhaps the rambling for tonight is wrapping up. "Goodnight, my someone, goodnight, my love..."
posted by A. St. at 12:51 AM


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