Thoughts while Traveling


Pie Jesu

I guess my last post could be taken other than it was intended. I just get really frustrated sometimes with the lingo that circulates around the Christian bubble I find myself in. How it can so easily bring division and confusion to those who do love God and are called according to His purpose! We are all in this journey together, you know? As children of God and followers of Christ. No matter our backgrounds, our years of being saved, our giftings and inclinations, the places God has led us to corporately worship~~ etc. etc. You get my drift. "Division" in the body of Christ is brought on by the Enemy, no matter how you slice it. Example~ If the Holy Spirit has led you to a Bible study to fellowship in His word and grow in Him, PRAISE HIM FOR THAT! Man, I am firm believer that Satan works quadruple time in attempting to destroy Godly relationships (or even the prospect of one) than he does others. Anyways, that is where I am coming from concerning my post from yesterday and I am being called to battle in this area of my prayer life. To be a peacemaker.

I have so many people on my heart this morning. Todd H. ~Todd M. ~Nicole~ my family~ Becki~ Kenyetta~ Hegren's~Carter's~ Mee mee~ Lori~Melinda~ Sarah~ ~~~~~
Jesus, be seen. God be glorified. Holy Spirit move and administer your healing touch and your redeeming power. Cover all of them with your blood, Jesus. May they hide behind your cross today~ may we all do this today.

It's yours, after all ~ this day.

Pie Jesu.

posted by A. St. at 7:32 AM


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