Thoughts while Traveling


Do you spread like a fragrant perfume or a rotten fungus?

I find it truly amazing that the presence or lack thereof of one human being in an environment can have such a dramatic effect on the energy, spirit, and camaraderie of the environment itself. I mean, I have experienced it before, but I am here again. Feeling an incredible lift of...something resulting in a much healthier and invigorating working environment. Makes me sit and ponder...and pray that I will have the opposite effect on my surroundings; that we all as Christians walking in the Spirit would spread good seed. What do you think you and I are leaving in our trail behind us today? A sweet smelling odor, or that of a skunk?

I hope it isn't wrong to count blessings like this , but I am grateful today for procreation and more than that....Maternity leave.

posted by A. St. at 1:36 PM


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