Thoughts while Traveling


Pull the wool over my eyes and let me hibernate

Wow~ am I exhausted. You know that place you reach where you can hardly put one foot in front another, much less think about tommorow and all that needs to get done? And your eyes seem to have this film over them that makes everything blurry? And you find yourself falling asleep at work in the middle of typing? Yeah. That place. That was yesterday. Today I am past that and in some sort of tunnel. Yet still here and moving. Praise God. That's where the supernatural stuff comes in. weak...

The weekend was insane...with 13 family members in town, 5 shows, and a mid-term on Monday. Holy crap, I can't even remember the details, except I think I reached absolute delirium on Saturday night at Applebee's...only those who were there know how rediculous it all was. I wish we could have spent more time with family...I don't feel like I even got to talk to my parents much at all. Oh well, we warned them all. It was still a blessing to see them all and it meant alot to us that they came. Katie, thanks for coming. That was a nice surprise. Booth, you left your bathroom stuff here. Hope you are brushing your teeth and wearing deoderant.

The play got a quite good review from the Virginian Pilot (newspaper) . From what I understand, Montague Gammon never gives a good review, and it was quite nice overall, actually. What he said about Justin was cool:

"...The best parts of the play revolve around the artfully portrayed interaction between Justin Street, as young adventurer Phillip Lombarde, and Lynn Kenny, as secretary Vera Claythorn. Street is close to brilliant some times, and always fine."

Not too shabby. Way to go, darling.

Tommorow I leave my husband for 5 days. This is the first time we will be apart for this long since we have been married. Isn't that crazy? I hope he can survive without, I will miss you, honey.

Anyhow, it is time to get to rehearsal. enough mindless rambling.
posted by A. St. at 6:14 PM


Yeah Justin! That's awesome! I wish I could've seen the show but Marty and I will be there soon enough to see the both of you do your amazing thing. I can't wait!
Love you both,
P.S. Anna, make sure that while you're gone you've got extra pillows in the bed, it helps fill the void of where Justin should be. That's what I do anyway.

8:57 AM  

Montague Gammon (the third mind you) would have given Justin a much more lengthy review if he had larger breasts. I'm speaking from experience here. Justin - you can get a kit from your local pharmacy and should be in great shape in no time. But I would suggest relying on your sheer talent. But it's your choice. It sounds like your greatest performance was juggling your schedule. Bravo! We should get together sometime.

4:57 PM  

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