Thoughts while Traveling


obedience is bliss

If there is one thing I have learned through my journey on the windy and twisty road of getting closer to my Saviour is that obedience is the answer. When I choose to obey, the fruit that appears miraculously usually stuns me. Why should it come as a surprise to me? It's simple. I obeyed I did what was asked of me, trembling knees or not. And then there are the times that I have decided (most likely due to fear) NOT to obey. This is when the fruit never shows up, and my heart is heavy and burdened through what "could have been." Not that God doesn't work everything for good like he promises, or that because of my lack of obedience the job doesn't get accomplished. Of course it does, He just uses someone else who is AVAILABLE and WILLING to step out. And someone gets the honor of serving Him. You would think I would have learned this by now. How many times has He proven His validity as my King to me? Too many times to count. Then why do I EVER cower in fear?

Man...I just want to dwell on the limb, not just visit it once in a while.
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posted by A. St. at 3:33 PM


You are so right. Learning much of the same things right now... Thanks. Confirmation is good.

Love you guys.

12:11 AM  

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