Thoughts while Traveling


Red Bull?

In Atlanta for a few days with Justin's family. Pa Street went to see Jesus peacefully in his sleep, and for that we are grateful. Tomorrow we celebrate a life lived to the fullest. I have to be honest and say I am glad that we are not celebrating a life lived for the Lord with a "but" attached at the end... again. Such as, "but he had so much ahead of him" or " but she was only a kid" or even, "but why did she have to suffer so?" These departures have been far too frequent. Thankfully, Otis lived a vibrant and long life. Although the prospect was there, he didn't have to suffer for long, and he was ready. That's awesome. It is probable he is playing the ultimate game of golf he always dreamed of...

Being in Atlanta is sort of surreal. Driving down 85 looked so different. New signs, new buildings, new billboards...Twas another time...why is it that we have moments where it feels like we have lived several lives, and connecting the dots seems almost impossible? Weird, I tell ya. Hard to believe it was even me that lived, worked, and walked the sidewalks of this campus daily.
There are many many memories attached to this city.
I plan to get some Mo-Joe's wings down the street, even if I have to sneak it~ it has been way too long ~ the depravity is over...

I hope we can see some of you cool cats that we miss so much, even for just a moment.

To drastically change the subject, anyone drink Red Bull out there? I have never given these energy type drinks a second thought, even though I have taken my share of Vivarin back in the college days. Anyways, Red Bull can't be good for ya. I was sitting in this exhaustingly boring corporate training at work on Friday, and we began the day by introducing ourselves and giving everyone else a glimpse of who we are ~ and there is this woman, Tina. She is from new Jersey and she looks....well, tired. Coming straight from pharmaceutical sales and marketing, who wouldn't be? Come on now, all that time and energy spent robbing the American public en mass? Sorry- that's a whole different subject.

Back to Tina ~ she proceeded to tell us that she is addicted to caffeine, and her favorite dessert is beer and red Bull. Ok~ whatever, dude. At 11:00 we took a break and there I sat, watching with my mouth gaped open as she proceeded to pull not one, not two, not three, but FOUR Red Bulls out of her purse and set them in a line in front of her binder like these shots were about to go down. And that they did. By the time the break was over all four of them were empty aluminum cyllinders sitting like trophies of alertness on the desk in across from me. Wow. The thing is, she didn't look that alert. Or awake for that matter. I am worried about her heart. it just may explode. For some reason I can't get Tina and that little episode out my mind.

To addictions ~ may we kick them to curb and be free for good.
posted by A. St. at 9:38 PM


It was so good spending some time with both of you last night. It was long overdue. I miss you guys! Hopefully we'll get to see you again soon and for more joyful reasons - like a holiday maybe, or a wedding. Love you!

8:49 AM  

haha maybe a wedding :-)

did you knwo there is such thing as a fiance visa? we would have to get married within 90 days of the day jeff enters the country....hmmm....

just kidding. :-)

12:49 PM  

It was good seeing you guys! I love weddings...especially receptions!

3:01 PM  

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that Jess and I are praying for you guys and the Street fam! Love you guys!

11:33 AM  

Hola Anita :) Are you still away?

3:53 PM  

Hey, Can one of you email me your new address and your new email address? I don't have either so I'm resorting to leaving a message on your blog - I'm sorry. I hope you check it soon.

Love you,

9:01 AM  

you guys ok? alive, kicking, breathing? just making sure. i miss your posts. it's the only connection I have to you. hope all is well.


1:25 PM  

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