Thoughts while Traveling


the "other" space

I was coerced by my lovely, persuasive friends into creating a "My Space" at This was after much hesitation on my part. Wasn't really interested. Blogger was enough of a web presence for me. And for someone who at times has a deep hatred for all things electronic, blogger was a big step.

Alas, I stand rebuked. What a cool site. Do you know that within 3 days I have been reconnected with several people I have lost touch with over the years? I am talking high school - 9th grade, NCSA, & Asbury. People that have remained in my heart all these years and I have wondered what has become of them. I look forward to re-connecting. Memories have been flooding back these past few days of great times- it wasn't another life, it was just 10+ years ago.
So, to Steph, Mandy, Sara, Bee, Christie, Haley~ it's good to see you again. Really good.
posted by A. St. at 12:04 PM


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