Thoughts while Traveling


boomerangs & other unlikely gems

I have always been drawn like a magnet to people who are unapologetically themselves. This, by definition, makes them unique. No pretense; they are who they are, with their quirks and all. Nothing is more attractive, appealing, nor desirable in my humble opinion! At first, anyways. Later comes the indescribable stuff, when you really get to know someone, and you begin to uncover what lies deep in their their hearts. However, what remains the same is the state in which you met them, the moment when you were blessed enough to have found them just as they were. At this point is when your eyes start opening and you can learn.

I sound like a manual of sorts. Oops! I have to say , going through this journey of discover with someone is by far one of the greatest pleasures we have as humans. My favorite part always remains the initial ...wonder.

Karen. A middle aged woman who sits caddy - corner of me at work. She is a wonder to me. Ever since she wore the pirate costume on Halloween, she has been making these noises every so often. "Aaaarrrggggg," she growls as I stifle a giggle. Her, with her vocabulary filled with words such as "snafu" and "lolligag" is a wonder. She has a servant heart and a sweet, sweet spirit. I can learn from her.

Michael, on the other side of me. The other day he walks in to work after locking up his bicycle, and proceeds to pull none other than ..boomerangs out of his backpack. Many, many boomerangs. Who knew? He then proceeds to tell me of boomerang competitions that he attends. Again, who knew that this quiet guy who tends bar in the evenings, eats a lot of hot and sour soup, sneezes a lot, and lives in our old neighborhood collects boomerangs and competes with them? After another brief encounter with Michael, I found that he just moved back here a few months ago from Germany where he helped to pilot the very first jazz radio station there. My interest has just exploded at this point. What a character. Justin tell me to "stop staring" a lot, and Caroline now has jumped on board, reminding me not to stare at Michael. I'm not staring, per say, I am just in awe. I can't help it! Michael, is a diamond mine, in my opinion. I can learn from him. Michael a wonder. I can learn from him.

Then we have Noah. This creature that had only been out in the world for a few hours on Friday when I had the pleasure of holding him in my arms ... staring again, of course. In mind- stopping awe. When everything goes blurry like in the movies except his little face and wiggling fingers and toes. The yawns, and the sneeze, even the poop is simply...a miracle. The little juicy lips and the big eyes...I can already tell he will be an expressive communicator like his mommy, and by his lack of screaming I can tell he will be kind and gentle like his daddy. Noah, it was a pleasure meeting you, and your "Auntie Anna" can't wait to finger paint with you. I can learn from you, dear Noah.
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Wonder. May we look at each other with wonder and appreciation. If I did more of this, my heart wouldn't have room for the nasty things that the Enemy tries to sneak in. The things that God did NOT intend for me, for us. Our hearts would be so full of awe in how he made us all, we would be filled to the brim and overflowing with nothing but love! I think that was part of his plan - He has made it easy for us. Like " How to be like me - for Dummies." If we could only open our eyes a little wider and see one another...and the wonderful joy and priviledge that truly is.
posted by A. St. at 3:23 PM


Hey Anna...sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner. Things have been nutso (if that's a word). I hope you guys are doing well! Yes...I'm back at DHQ...working in Planned Giving. I like it though:-) How's VA?

4:24 PM  

Hey Anna. I am glad I crusied by your site. I was wondering about Caroline baby. I knew it was getting near the time for him to come. If you would...please send my love to them. And would you mind sending me there address?? I need to send them a few things...

Thanks Anna for being so kind.

Happy Thanksgiving!:)

9:09 PM  

Anna, Noah's so cute! Will you please let Caroline know that I send my blesseings! I know she's waited for this day for a long time.

Love you girl,

11:35 AM  

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