Thoughts while Traveling


little orange beads ~

Eating caviar last night left me in a scary place. A place where all I could think about while attempting to peacefully drift off to sleep was tiny orange fish eggs making a cozy home in one of the crevices of my mouth, resulting in little fishies being birthed there.

This panic ensued even after disinfecting my mouth with Listerine.

This is what haunted me in the late hours of Wednesday. I don't think I will partake of this delicacy again. As much as I love california rolls, I am sure they are just as delightful without the tiny orange beads. However, if stringed together on a nice, sturdy thread, they would make a charming little necklace. Then I am sureI would fear them hatching ON me.

Caviar is a garnish, after all.
posted by A. St. at 2:38 PM


hey, miss you guys. call us. you know the number. grace...

3:19 AM  

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