Thoughts while Traveling


Life is so fragile. I have learned that the hard way. I learned it through a storm that blew my world apart, brought me to the reality that I, in fact, MAY not believe in a God after all. Now, I must follow that statement with another one. Since that time, I have been proven by my Creator that He IS just that. God. And so much more. Faithful. Provider. Artist.

The throws of grief that were once as much a part of me as my big toe...are not whipping and crashing over me in a relentless pursuit of my demise anymore. They now come in gentle and much less violent waves that leave me sad and yet at the same time,reflective. In a good way. Like looking down into a pond and seeing my reflection and knowing that I have been so blessed. And so loved. It leaves me grateful. And hoping. I have been given at little cost to me so much love. And not just the kind of love we see in movies with fabulous soundtracks that make us feel gooey inside and make us cry a little. A love that surpasses all. LOVE IS...GOD IS...LOVE IS...GOD IS...

Read a word straight from the Lord today. For my friend, and yet for me, too.

Life’s Storms

The thunder sounded in the distance as my dad and I exchanged smiles. Hearing the summons, we both rose and took our places on the deck. Side by side we sat in silence relishing the first movements of nature’s symphony.

The wind carried to us the sweet promise of rain. The lightening danced to a rhythm it alone could hear. The clouds rolled like an ocean over our heads.

While the storm proclaimed nature’s untamed beauty, I sat in perfect peace in daddy’s arms and tears of contentment collected in my eyes.

From the beginning, Dad was determined that his child would not inherit fear. “There is nothing to fear,” he would say as he scooped me up and carried me out to our chair. Over the decades, I grew to savor storms—they were an invitation to rest with my daddy.

Dad’s arms can no longer hold me—I am reminded of that reality every time I hear a distant thunder. But Another still sits near me when the winds beat against my life.

Life’s storms are rather impolite. They neither consider our calendars nor consult our hearts. Without requesting permission they simply come.

But each time they come, our Father God smiles and whispers, “There is nothing to fear.”

As the earth shakes and our dreams crumble, God extends to us His strong arms. As the wind howls and our faith trembles, God offers to hide us in Himself.

Life’s storms issue to us an invitation to rest with Father God. Nestled securely in His eternal embrace, even the most furious storm can not crush our fragile hearts.

Reflection Questions

One ~ Our natural tendency is to try to be strong when life’s storms disrupt our existence. Sit alone with your Father God for a few moments. Picture yourself nestled under His strong arm and give yourself permission to be weak in His presence.

Two ~ In that power-filled place of dependence, meditate on this scripture prayer taken from Psalm 91.1-4, 14-15
I choose to dwell in Your shelter, Most High God.
I rest in Your almighty shadow.
You are my refuge and my fortress. You are my God and I trust You.
You will save me from the enemy’s schemes and attacks.
You cover me with Your feathers, under Your wings I find refuge.
Your faithfulness is my shield, I will not be afraid.
I love You Lord. I believe You will rescue me and protect me.
I call on You today and I know You will answer me.
You are with me in this time of trouble. I wait for Your deliverance.

Three ~ One of the healthiest choices we can make when we are overwhelmed with life’s storms is to intentionally offer prayers for others who are also in crisis. Consider the tremendous needs of others today. Pray Psalm 91 over their lives. Ask God to be the dwelling place of the homeless, to provide rest for the weary, to be a fortress for the abused.
Amen to that. What a challenge. Why don't I just get out of my selfish world for one minute and pray this promise over others in crisis that I love. God, you are faithful and you will do it.

posted by A. St. at 10:56 PM


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