Thoughts while Traveling


I was reading this article on my most recent favorite movie, The Village.

This is why I like it and recommend it to anyone.

"But there is real poetry in Shyamalan’s camera work, evocative setting, and sureness of storytelling purpose. Though there aren’t many big thrills, and the pacing lacks the punchiness of previous efforts, the gradually unfolding layers of meaning here provide a different kind of reward for the sensitive viewer. “The world moves for love, it kneels before it in awe,” says Hurt’s character. That line and what the villagers have done to illustrate it carries more emotional resonance than whether or not monsters are jumping out of the shadows, and offers further proof of Shyamalan’s thoughtful and evolving agenda as one of our most interesting filmmakers today."

Go see it, it may surprise you and make you think!

posted by A. St. at 4:34 PM


Hey Anna!
Just a quick hello. I was looking at Phil's site(very excited for him and Sarah having a baby!) and got interested as to who all he had links are you? I hope you had a nice birthday...yesterday or today? I remembered that we have our bdays in the same month, just couldn't remember that exact date. The big 2-5...isn't it crazy? I can't believe we're so old! LOL I always remember Justin's cause its the same day as Kell's.
Anyway...I hope life is treating you kind. I have a blog on xanga if you ever want to check it out.
God Bless you hun!
Kim Touchton

10:01 AM  

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